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The CSU Extension office in Broomfield City & County provides assistance and programs for citizens in the areas of Horticulture: Yard & Garden

Gardening & Horticulture   arrow

Gardening Assistance in Broomfield

Trellising Workshop

Local Resources and Services

  • Ask a Colorado Master Gardener – During the growing season (April through October), Broomfield Master Gardeners answer questions at the CSU Extension Office and other convenient locations. View the upcoming schedule here.
  • Colorado Master Gardener Helpline – Trained volunteers are available to assist Broomfield residents year round.  Leave a message for a Broomfield Master Gardener at 303-464-5554, send an email (with photos!) to, or complete this interactive form.
  • Xeriscape Demonstration Garden – The Broomfield Master Gardeners designed and maintain a Xeriscape demonstration garden located east of Broomfield’s City and County Building parking lot. The garden gives residents the opportunity to see and identify Xeriscape options in a natural setting. 
  • Vegetable Teaching Garden Brunner Farmhouse and Gardens is home to perennial beds on the south side of the historic building, and a raised-bed vegetable garden on the north. CSU Extension holds hands-on workshops at the vegetable teaching garden, including Vegetable Garden Basics and Family Learn and Grow. Visitors are welcome to stop by the garden anytime to observe the techniques used there, including drip irrigation, trellising, and composting.
  • Diagnostic Site Visits – For a $75 fee, a CSU Extension Horticulture Agent will provide an on-site consultation for homeowners within the City and County of Broomfield. For more information or to schedule a visit, contact or call 720-887-2294.

CSU Soil Testing

The CSU Soil, Water and Plant Testing Lab at the SPUR campus in Denver offers year-round soil testing. It’s a great way to check the quality of soil in your yard and learn to improve it. To use the service, gardeners must:

Visit the CSU Soil Testing Lab website for more information, including pricing

Master Gardener Program

Colorado Master Gardener logo

In Broomfield County, a dedicated group of 30 Colorado Master Gardener Volunteers bring a variety of projects to life. The majority of projects include one-to-one consultation with Broomfield County residents, but they also include special events, community gardening projects and other educational activities. Learn more about the Colorado Master Gardeners program in Broomfield County and how to join…