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The CSU Extension office in Broomfield City & County provides assistance and programs for citizens in the areas of Horticulture: Yard & Garden

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Vertical aeroponic garden Vertical Aeroponic Garden - Have you seen the vertical indoor gardens in the lobby of the Broomfield library? With the help of volunteers, CSU Extension installed and maintains them for demonstration purposes. Compared to traditional agriculture, these aeroponic systems use up to 90% less water and can grow plants up to twice as fast! Wondering what happens to the […]
Poinsettias in greenhouse Keeping those Holiday Plants Alive - Did you receive one of those common holiday plants this year like poinsettia, amaryllis or Christmas cactus? Would you like to save it, but just aren’t sure how to keep plants alive, let alone blooming again? Well, here are some tips on how to save those festive plants and see them live for another holiday […]
Yellow Coreopsis flowers Tickseed: Xeric Plant of the Month – October - A perennial stalwart for the garden is Tickseed (Coreopsis spp.) in the Asteraceae family. They form 1-2 foot mounds that are easy to grow in fall or spring. An added bonus is that most are deer resistant, cold and heat tolerant, and xeric once established. There are many species to choose from since they are […]
Sea Holly bloom Sea Holly: Xeric Plant of the Month – September - Sea Holly is an interesting xeric plant family (Eryngium), especially if you are looking for striking blue-purple flowers. Although not true hollies, the cones look similar. They have a distinctive bract collar which adds great interest. The blue cones are large and tend to have a shiny sheen. Stems are silvery blue too. However, only […]
Milkweed flower and butterfly Milkweed: Xeric Plant of the Month – August - Native to Colorado, showy milkweed and common milkweed play an important role as hosts to monarch (and other) butterflies. Plus, there’s an added bonus: they’re easy-keepers! Well-adapted to different soil types and thriving in full sun, milkweeds also are extremely cold hardy and overwinter without any special maintenance.
White and purple kohlrabi Cole Crops for Fall Harvest - Your summer harvest doesn’t have to be your last! Kohlrabi and other cole crops are just some of the plants you can start mid-summer for a fall harvest. Read more…
Xeric Plant of the Month - April Hens and Chicks: Xeric Plant of the Month – April - There are many species and cultivars of Sempervivum, commonly called Hens and Chicks or Houseleeks. Because they are a hardy succulent, they have fleshy leaves in a rosette shape that vary in size, shape, color, and texture. Colors can be various shades of green, pink, and red; and some Sempervivum have cobwebbing on their leaves!
Adult Emerald Ash Borer on Leaf Assess Trees this Spring for Emerald Ash Borer - With the spring season, trees are emerging from their winter dormancy period, and the Colorado Emerald Ash Borer Response Team is encouraging residents to check their trees for insects and other pests. Read this news release for spring tree tips and information on the emerald ash borer, including the repeal of EAB quarantine laws in […]